(205) 387-8751
Kids for Christ
Sunday and Wednesdays
At Blooming Grove Baptist Church we believe that children are a precious treasure from God. Our programs, activities and events are designed to teach boys and girls that God loves them and has an exciting plan for their lives. Our mission is to equip the children at our church with a growing faith in Jesus Christ and a heart to share His love with others. The purpose of our Kids for Christ Children’s Ministry is to give each child spiritual guidance and a strong foundation based on the Word of God through biblical teaching. It is our vision that each child will keep God’s Word hidden in their heart, so as they grow and face the inevitable challenges of life, their faith will be strong, and with their foundation built on Jesus, they can overcome any obstacle.
Sunday school classes are taught each Sunday morning beginning at 8:45 and Children’s Church is at 10:00. We provide a nursery for age 2 and under. TeamKID meets Wednesday nights at 6:30. In addition we provide activities such as Vacation Bible School, day trips, and various family events to support their spiritual growth. These events will be published in the church calendar. We hope to see you soon at Blooming Grove’s “Kids for Christ Children’s Ministry!”
Jesus said,” Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14.